Day: April 18, 2018

Mentor Meeting – Professor Nicholson 4/18

On Wednesday, April 18, 2018, I spoke with Professor Nicholson to discuss wrapping up my research. We went over the logistics of my upcoming presentations at the 306 Undergraduate Poster Conference as well as the SIS Undergraduate Research Symposium. We went through how to reorganize my presentation and editing details on my poster. We also discussed my final paper both regarding structure and content. Structurally, there were minor details to change. Regarding content, I am to focus on my introduction and conclusion to ensure a proper ‘flow.’ Professor Nicholson also urged me to think back about what I have learned in International Research and how I will use this to develop and strengthen my research skills in the future.

Mentor Meeting- Dr. Boesenecker 4/13

On Friday, April 13, 2018, I spoke with Dr. Boesenecker. We met briefly to discuss my abstract and the upcoming poster conference. Dr. Boesenecker was able to provide substantial feedback including how to incorporate a solid first sentence. Leading with the question itself rather than a general and broad “hook” would allow readers to know the specific content that they would be reading about.  Dr. Boesenecker also discussed the importance of using stronger methodology terminology. The use of the specific terminology would address any concerns that readers may have specific to small-n case study research. Lastly, regarding my abstract. Dr. Boesenecker suggested the use of softer language when discussing my findings. I found that my intuitions were not true and that use of softer language can allow for more discussion and elaboration rather than stating “I rejected” or “I falsely hypothesized.” Dr. Boesenecker and I also briefly discussed what to expect at the SIS Undergraduate Research Poster Conference and the ways to balance 4 months and 25 pages of research into simplified, eye-catching key terms and charts.

Mentor Meeting- Dr. Jackson 3/21

On Wednesday, March 21, 2018, I skyped with Dr. Jackson. Dr. Jackson regarding the last collective advising workshop. We spoke about the possible directions for my project and how to clearly articulate my question. We spoke about how becoming attached to the Discourse Analysis methodology itself had seemed to make me lose focus on the question that I was constantly concerned about. Dr. Jackson challenged me to think about the avenues of my research and how they fit in the with the small-n case methodology. This methodology would serve me better because I was generally interested in the effects of international policy on domestic law.