In a 2018 Journal of Neuroscience Methods article, Lorenz Esch and colleagues present MNE Scan, a software that provides real-time acquisition and processing of electrophysiological data. MNE Scan is a state-of-the-art real-time processing software for clinical MEG...
Leila Allen and colleagues in Tim Allen’s lab at Florida International University recently developed RatHat, a self-targeting printable brain implant system. Below they describe their project: “There has not been a major change in how neuroscientists approach...
In their 2015 Journal of Neurophysiology article, the Paré Lab at the Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience at Rutgers University describe their novel head-cap and microdrive design for chronic multi-electrode recordings in rats through the use of 3D...
We’d like to highlight groups and companies that support an open-source framework to their software and/or hardware in behavioral neuroscience. One of these groups is SpikeGadgets, a company co-founded by Mattias Karlsson and Magnus Karlsson. SpikeGadgets is a group...
Sebastien Delcasso from the Graybiel lab at MIT published a method for developing a brain implant called “HOPE” for combining with optogenetics, pharmacology, and electrophysiology: HOPE (hybrid-drive combining optogenetics, pharmacology, and electrophysiology) is a...