

Changliang Guo, Garret Blair, and colleagues out of the Aharoni Lab at UCLA published their open source large-field-of-view Miniscope in Science Advances in April 2023. Miniscopes (miniature microscopes) are useful for measuring neural activity in freely-behaving...


A collaboration of multiple labs in the Neurology and Neurobiology departments at UCLA published a paper regarding their open-source electrophysiology-integrated mini scope in an eLife paper in April 2023. E-Scope is an open source mini scope that simultaneously...


Developed by Jason E. Osborne, Neurobiological Instrument and Systems Designer, and Joshua T. Dudman, Janelia Farm Group Leader at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, RIVETS is an open-source mechanical system for in vivo and in vitro electrophysiology and imaging in...
HERBS: Histological E-data Registration in rodent Brain Spaces

HERBS: Histological E-data Registration in rodent Brain Spaces

One of the keys to understanding neural correlates of behavior is to understand neural coordinates that we study with various probes. Traditional paper atlases have served as a key tool for researchers both mapping plans for experiments and assessing the histological...