optoPAD and flyPAD

optoPAD and flyPAD

Carlos Ribeiro’s lab at Champalimaud recently published their new project called optoPAD in eLife: Both the analysis of behavior and of neural activity need to be time-precise in order to make any correlation or comparison to each other. The analysis of behavior can...
3D Printed Headstage Implant

3D Printed Headstage Implant

Richard Pinnell from Ulrich Hofmann’s lab has three publications centered around open-source and 3D printed methods for headstage implant protection and portable / waterproof DBS and EEG to pair with water maze activity. We share details on the three studies below:...
Cerebro Wireless Optogenetic System

Cerebro Wireless Optogenetic System

Andy Lustig from the Karpova Lab at Janelia has developed, documented, and shared a system for wireless optogenetic stimulation. Several commercial systems for wireless controlled optogenetic stimulation are available, however, as you might expect, these systems can...


Thomas Akam and researchers from the Champalimaud Foundation and Oxford University have developed pyControl, a system that combines open-source hardware and software for control of behavioral experiments. The ability to seamlessly control various aspects of a complex...


In a recent bioRxiv preprint, Scott Owen and Anatol Kreitzer share PhotometryBox, an open-source solution for electronic control of fiber-based fluorescence measurements. Fluorescence measurements from deep-brain structures through optical fibers (fiber photometry)...