Slow Burn Season 4

Slow Burn season 4 covers the story of the infamous far right political figure and former Ku Klux Klan Grandwizard David Duke, and his successful run for House of Representatives in Louisiana in 1989, as well as his near ascension to governor in the runoff election of 1991. The podcast talks about how Duke was able to build a strong base of supporters by being controversial and willing to push the boundaries of what was considered acceptable. Many of the ways he was able to do this involved some variety of coded language, or secret signals to his supporters that only they would understand. What David Duke did was find a way to rebrand White Supremacy, and sell it as increased value placed upon the so-called “traditional values” that the United States were founded upon. In other words, Duke wanted to make America great again.

For my bonus material project, I have constructed a presentation detailing some of the ways in which contemporary White Supremacists are able to subtly communicate their ideas without coming off as blatantly racist. This presentation outlines 4 key methods utilized by these Right Wingers, and explains how to understand them so that we can better fight against them, along with a short kahoot quiz to encourage the viewer to actually attempt to retain the information.