Yuye Shi’s OP-ED Post


The article “Delay is deadly: what COVID-19 tells us about tackling the climate crisis” by Jonathan Watts is arguing that if it keeps dragging on, the climate crisis will be as deadly as the current COVID-19. Among them, neoliberal capitalism is particularly ill-suited to deal with this situation.

I can tell this is an OP-ED because in this article the author has a clear point of view and is not an editorial member of that newspaper or magazine. I can sense that the author of this OP-ED used a lot of evidence to prove his point during the writing process. For example, when he argues that “governments willing to intervene have been more effective in stopping the virus than laissez-faire capitalists”, he devotes a great deal of space to prove this point, namely through the comparative effectiveness of the fight against the epidemic in the United States, Brazil, Britain, and some Asian countries.

One Reply to “Yuye Shi’s OP-ED Post”

  1. Serene, I like your identification of the op ed having a clear point of view and logos. Even though the writer uses quotes and stats, the article not neutral—in fact, the logos helps him make his point more clear.

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