Tangyu’s Blog

From the Gulf of Mexico to the Mediterranean to the Bay of Bengal. It seems every corner of the globe is contaminated with plastic.  Plastic pollution has already reached five oceans. The ocean is “digesting” unbearable plastic pollution. The United Nations estimates there are about 51 trillion plastic particles in the world’s oceans, 500 times the number of stars in the Milky Way. The worst part is that even if we stop producing plastic now, the problem of plastic will continue for a long time. On account of human behavior, rivers and oceans are already flooded with plastic waste.

The topic of plastic pollution has been taken seriously in the past few years. Many people and scientists have been trying to solve the problem of plastic pollution in the ocean. But over time, people’s attention to the sea has gradually decreased. Because most of us live so far from the sea, it’s hard to imagine how much damage plastic could eventually do to the sea, even if we use plastic bags or disposable products. The plastic waste that exists in our oceans has become a big problem. There has lots of research on how to solve the existing marine plastic debris. But what we need most is to stop dumping waste into the ocean and, more importantly, to reduce the use of plastics.

图像(Blue planet society)

There have been many cases of marine animals being suffocated by plastic bags. Plastic products have led to stunted animal growth that could last a lifetime. Also, plastics are difficult to degrade naturally, even after decades of immersion in the ocean. A lot of the plastic in the sea has become micro-plastic. Micro-plastics are too small to be detected, and many animals die from ingesting large amounts of them. Plastic pollution may also prevent fish from absorbing enough nutrients, causing damage to their digestive systems. Eating micro-plastics and garbage also puts these Marine creatures at risk of chronic poisoning.

It’s not just marine animals and plants that are contaminated by plastic. Although human beings are at the top of the biological chain, if the natural chain at the bottom is affected, then the final result is self-evident. Let more people know the importance of protecting the marine environment, reminding them to reduce the use of plastic products can truly protect our environment.

Plan Your Op-ed (Tangyu Zhang)

The debate or controversy that I am writing about is plastic pollution in the Ocean.

The Debate in this Topic is on the fact that stopping the discharge of plastic waste can reduce a great deal of marine pollution. Also, I will talk about data and examples of the current oceanic environment and the situation of marine life. In the last part, calls for a reduction in the use of plastics in everyday life.




In this debate, I think/believe/argue , unless we stop sending the flow of plastic to the sea, the newest global threat to the our planet will only get worse.

My position is important because it helps us understand/know that our actions determine the quality of our living environment.

Tangyu Zhang’s Op-ed Post

3 billion birds have vanished from our skies. Can we ever bring them back?

The article explains several reasons for the dramatic decline of birds in the United States over the years, and warns of the importance of birds to nature. The authors suggest several ways to help birds survive, and urge people to bring them back.

I think this is an op-ed article because it has a clear point of view. Unlike a news report, which is simply a statement of fact, this article has a point of view supported by the author. For example, the author at the end of the article also clearly stated that we need to beautify the natural environment together. Further more, the article also has evidence and data to support her opinion, which makes the article more readable and believable.

Laura’s Sources on Marine Plastic


A Troubling Discovery in the Deepest Ocean Trenches

In this report, the study shows that in the deepest parts of the ocean, every tiny animal tested had plastic pollution hiding in its gut. With so much plastic harming the ocean’s ecosystem, experts are calling for more responsible action.


Beer, Drinking Water and Fish: Tiny Plastic is Everywhere

Plastic trash less than 5 millimeters long is in the things we eat and drink, and the air we breathe. Scientists are just beginning to study where it comes from and how it might affect our health.


Drowning in Plastic

Plastic fills the oceans, threatening everything from tiny plankton to giant whales. Biologist Liz Bonnin works with the world’s leading Marine biologists to study the sources, effects and disposal of plastic waste in the oceans.