

Evan Destin-van Rijn and colleagues in Alik Widge’s Translational NeuroEngineering Lab at the University of Minnesota recently shared their preprint on their new Python-based framework, Pybehave with us. Pybehave is a Python-based framework for designing and...
HERBs: head-fixed environment for rodent behaviors

HERBs: head-fixed environment for rodent behaviors

Ali Ogzur and colleagues designed a flexible and easily accessible tool for head fixation in mice. Considering the financial strain, time obligation, and level of experience necessary for head fixation experiments, the group provided a solution that includes both...
Live Mouse Tracker Toolkit

Live Mouse Tracker Toolkit

Nicolas Torquet, one of the developers of LiveMouseTracker (LMT), has shared the following about the new addition to the video tracking system package: LMT-toolkit, developed for facilitation of LMT-based data analysis: “LMT-toolkit is an open source web...
PyMouseTracks: Adaptable Rodent Tracking System

PyMouseTracks: Adaptable Rodent Tracking System

Tony Fong and colleagues recently published their project, PyMouseTracks (PMT). PMT is an open source, scalable and customizable system for tracking and behavior assessment, available now on GitHub. PyMouseTracks is an open source, adaptable tracking system for...