

A collaboration of multiple labs in the Neurology and Neurobiology departments at UCLA published a paper regarding their open-source electrophysiology-integrated mini scope in an eLife paper in April 2023. E-Scope is an open source mini scope that simultaneously...


Jude Frie and Jibran Khokhar of the Khokhar Lab at University of Western Ontario published their open-source tool, FARESHARE, in the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology in February 2024. FARESHARE (Fluid Acquisition Recording in Socially Housed Animal...
custom-fitting cranial implants

custom-fitting cranial implants

Dr. Zurna Ahmed and her colleagues in Dr. Alexander Gail’s sensorimotor lab at the German Primate Center in Göttingen, Germany published an open-source step-by-step guide for custom-fitting cranial implants. Previous sources for implant design and placement have...
BrainWAVE: Noninvasive Rhythm Stimulation

BrainWAVE: Noninvasive Rhythm Stimulation

Matthew Attokaren and colleagues recently published their project, BrainWAVE. It is an open source, noninvasive sensory flicker based deep brain stimulation method. This brain-oscillation stimulating software can be adapted across subjects and easily integrated into a...