BrainWAVE: Noninvasive Rhythm Stimulation

Aug 31, 2023

Matthew Attokaren and colleagues recently published their project, BrainWAVE. It is an open source, noninvasive sensory flicker based deep brain stimulation method. This brain-oscillation stimulating software can be adapted across subjects and easily integrated into a variety of experimental designs (e.g., electrophysiology, neuroimaging, EEG, MRI) to measure the effects of rhythmic brain activity on behavior. The BrainWAVE circuit design is composed of three hardware component types: signal generators, signal modulators, and audio/visual output. An Arduino can be used for signal generation. BrainWAVE can be interfaced with a variety of output sources. The BrainWAVE stimulator has been newly optimized, now featuring a synchronized multimodal stimulation, intuitive GUI, remote control (for MRI), as well as a new protocol for blinded flicker studies. Brainways was also recently tested for safety by assessing potential adverse human side effects.

This research tool was created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the Principal Investigator, cite the article in which the tool was described, and include an RRID in the Materials and Methods of your future publications. RRID: SCR_024396

Access the design and code from GitHub!

Check out the repository on GitHub.

Read more about it!

Check out more about the development and validation of this device from the eNeuro publication!

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