

The identification of behavioral states based on physiological measures such as EEG, EMG, and LFP is a non-trivial task and much needed for advancing research on topics such as sleep. Jacob Ellen and Michael Dash from Middlebury College created an automated neural...


SeqSeek is an open-source cell classifier for determining cell types in mouse spinal cord atlas. It is a web-based search engine that let’s the user search the database for a gene or specific cell type. The data is pulled using an algorithm where gene expression can...


Fiber photometry (FP) is a commonly used method to measure the neural activity of freely behaving animals. The analysis of FP data can be complex and is especially difficult for those with little programming experience. Venus Sherathiya and colleagues at Northwestern...
DABEST and permuco

DABEST and permuco

This week’s post is about two very useful libraries for statistical evaluations of behavioral, neuronal, and other types of data, especially when the data deviate from assumptions such as having a Gaussian (aka normal) distribution. (This is often the case with...


  EZcalcium is a fully automated toolbox for the analysis of calcium imaging data in MATLAB created by Daniel Cantu and colleagues at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. Calcium imaging has quickly become a popular method for measuring neuronal signals...