Vijay Namboodiri has contributed this summary of his lab’s open-source system for behavioral control based on the Arduino Mega microcontroller and a MATLAB-based graphical interface and analysis code. Associative learning and memory tasks are a staple of many...


Rodent drinking behavior is used in numerous task designs, most commonly two-bottle choice tasks, to provide insight into the research question of interest. Typically, measuring the intake of fluids is done by weighing bottles over days, and while several tools have...
3D Printed Multi Pump System

3D Printed Multi Pump System

Aldric Negrier, a maker and builder in Portugal, designed an open source syringe pump system that can be 3D printed and assembled for ~$300 USD. The system contains five pumps which may hold 5mL, 10mL, or 20mL syringes. Each pump may be programmed to function...


Ajuwon et al present here an approach to tackle some of the current limitations that exist in the field of behavioral neuroscience with respect to aquatic species research. Tiago Monteiro, one of the authors of this project, shares with us a brief summary of the...


Developed by Creed and Kravitz Labs at Washington University in St. Louis, Sippers is a 3D-printed, open-source device for behavioral analysis of measuring liquid ingestion in rodents. This is a great tool for neuroscientists in fields studying topics such as reward,...