Spatial cognition paradigms in animal models tend to focus on allocentric means of navigation where animals rely on environmental landmarks. There is a need for spatial cognition paradigms that also take egocentric navigation into account, where an animal’s own point...
Dr. Shuzo Sakata, from the University of Strathclyde, has developed a new tool for classifying animal behaviors. This MATLAB package, called SaLSa, offers an innovative approach to analyzing and categorizing behaviors using pose estimation data. Traditional manual...
The reach-to-grasp task is commonly used to study fine motor behavior in mice because of the translatability of the movement’s neurocircuitry to humans and non-human primates. Daniil Berezhnoi and colleagues have developed ReachOut, a project that includes all of the...
Evan Destin-van Rijn and colleagues in Alik Widge’s Translational NeuroEngineering Lab at the University of Minnesota recently shared their preprint on their new Python-based framework, Pybehave with us. Pybehave is a Python-based framework for designing and...
Kartikeya Murari and colleagues at the University of Calgary published their video-based tool, Markerless Mouse Tracking, in an eNeuro publication in February 2024. Behavior quantification of multiple interacting animals is often done by tools that are not accurate...