

Advancements in machine learning methods for video analysis have been a crucial development for understanding the neural underpinnings of freely-moving behaviors. Many of these methods emphasize pose estimation and tracking, but options for classifying specific...


Raspberry Rat is a Python platform for recording, converting, and uploading videos to the cloud and for performing scheduled video recordings. It was developed by Hannah Lapp from the Champagne lab at UT Austin. This repository also includes a detailed wiki with a...
CaT-z: 3D Tracking and Automatic Classification of Rodent Behavior

CaT-z: 3D Tracking and Automatic Classification of Rodent Behavior

In behavioral neuroscience, analyzing animal behavior is a key component to many experiments, but relying on manually scoring behaviors pose issues in reproducibility. In resolution, most have turned to computerized video-analysis systems that combine 2D images with...