International Development Databases
African Development Indicators
ADI contains over 1,000 indicators and time series from 1965 for 53 countries where data available. Data include social, economic, financial, natural resources, infrastructure, governance, partnership, and environmental indicators.
Center for International Development
Center for International Development, (Harvard University). A depository for data developed through research at the Center for International Development at Harvard University (CID).
The Economist Intelligence Unit provides country, industry and management analysis.
GDF is a database that provides financial data by country and region. It can be used to create reports and tables of financial information.
Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) household surveys have become an important tool in measuring and understanding poverty in developing countries.
The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) are available through a Quick Query tool. Select country/region, targets, and time period. See the results in table, chart, map, or export the data to Excel.
UNIDO has two main statistical databases: UNIDO INDSTAT4 2008, which contains time series data on seven selected data items for the period covering 1990 onwards for sets of production-related industrial statistics and UNIDO IDSB 2008, which has information on industrial output, trade and apparent consumption.
World Bank Data and Statistics
This website presents the most widely-used, official-source development data from the World Bank and other international agencies.
World Development Indicators Online (WDI) provides direct access to more than 800 development indicators, with time series for 209 countries and 18 country groups from 1960 to 2007, where data are available. Note that you need to be in AU network to gain access to this database.
The WHO Archive has four databases: WHO Statistical Information System (WHOSIS), WHO Global InfoBase Online, Global Health Atlas, and Regional statistics. In addition, WHO provides data by categories, such as mortality and health status, diseases, risk factors, coverage of services, and health systems.