CTRL Presenter Support
Welcome to our webpage designed to empower and support the faculty and staff who play a pivotal role presenting at CTRL conferences. This page serves as a comprehensive resource hub with information, tools, guidelines, and insights to help you enhance your presentation experience and make your contribution truly impactful. Thank you for being an integral part of our conference; your expertise and dedication are instrumental in fostering a vibrant academic community.
Should you have any questions about the information below, please contact the Center for Teaching, Research & Learning (ctrl@american.edu)
Page Navigation
Session Modality, Flow, & Technology
- Fully Online
- Hybrid (In-Person & Online)
- Panel Sessions
Session Audience Engagement and Interaction
Accessibility & Inclusivity for your Session
Quick Links
Session Modality, Flow & Technology
Fully Online
All fully online sessions will be held via Zoom. Prior to your session start-time, you should:
- Make sure that your audio and mic are working properly. You can test this via Zoom Settings > Video or Zoom Settings > Audio. Also check in with your fellow presenters or a CTRL technician ahead of the presentation to address any AV concerns.
- Double check that screen sharing works. Check settings under Zoom Settings > Share Screen and test via the Share Screen function while logged onto Zoom before session begins.
- If you are utilizing multimedia (videos, audio clips, etc.), we strongly suggest a wired internet connection to avoid any issues with buffering or low-quality media.
- Online Session Flow
- Presenters join the session at least 10 minutes prior to the start time.
- Final check of session logistics (technology instructions above).
- CTRL Session Facilitator will share opening slide as participants join and provide brief introduction after beginning session recording.
- CTRL facilitators will monitor the chat, run polling, and admit late participants during session.
- At the end of the session the CTRL Session Facilitator will give five-minute warning and share final slide with a session evaluation link. The evaluations will be shared with session presenters the week following the program.
If you have questions or would like assistance with presentation technology, please reach out to ctrl@american.edu and let us know so that we can properly prepare.
In-Person / Hybrid
The majority of in-person sessions will be “hybrid,” to provide access to a remote audience. CTRL facilitators will manage the Zoom room, however, here are some considerations for the use of audio-visual technology during your session:
(click to enlarge the photo)
- Presenters should always speak into the microphone when presenting information. Make sure to share the microphone with any audience member asking a question or repeat questions/comments from the audience.
- Ask all participants, especially those in person, to state their name before sharing a question or speaking to ensure broad accessibility of information.
- Hybrid Session Flow
- Presenters join 30 minutes prior to session start time. CTRL Staff will set up and test presentation on presenter laptop and orient presenters to CTRL laptop, webcam, and microphones. CTRL Session Facilitator will conduct final check for session logistics: screen sharing, breakout rooms, multimedia, etc.
- CTRL laptop will be logged into Zoom meeting and projected onto screen for in-person participants. CTRL Session Facilitator will begin recording and indicate to presenters to begin the session.
- During the session, CTRL facilitators will be available for technical assistance and will relay questions from online participants to presenters.
- At the end of the session, CTRL facilitators will share closing slide with session evaluation link. The evaluation results will be shared with presenters the week following the event.
If you have questions or would like assistance with presentation technology, please reach out to ctrl@american.edu and let us know so that we can properly prepare.
Panel Sessions
A panel session is any session that includes a panel discussion with multiple presenters. These sessions are vital for incorporating multiple perspectives on important issues but can be more difficult to coordinate logistically. Here are some quick tips to make sure your panel session runs smoothly:
- Carefully consider the number of panelists for your session. Make sure panelists have ample time to individually contribute and respond to participant questions. For an hour-long panel conversation, we recommend 2-3 panelists maximum.
- Coordinate which panelists will address which content. Tailor the presentation order accordingly. This will improve presentation flow, audience comprehension, and limit backtracking or redundancies.
- Introduce panelists at the beginning of the session and have panelists identify themselves before answering the first question.
- Panel Presentation Flow
- Encourage presenters and panelists to arrive 15 minutes before session starts.
- CTRL Staff will set up and test presentation on presenter laptop and orient presenters to CTRL laptop, webcam, and microphones. CTRL Session Facilitator will conduct final check for session logistics: screen sharing, breakout rooms, multimedia, etc.
- If presenters have introductory comments or presentation, provide a road map of the session including topics and questions to be covered and when and how participants should ask questions.
- Indicate to participants how to follow-up or ask questions. Example language: “To best facilitate questions and comments, we ask you to raise your hand or pose your question in the chat. A facilitator will pose the questions in the chat to the panelists.”
- CTRL Session Facilitators will be available to field chat questions and will circulate an evaluation link at the end of the session. Evaluation results will be circulated to organizers a week following the event.
If you have questions or would like assistance with presentation technology, please reach out to Lindsay Studer, ctrl@american.edu and let us know so that we can properly prepare.
Session Design for Audience Engagement and Interaction
For all of our events, CTRL aims to make space for interaction, collaboration, and connection among the AU community. We highly recommend reviewing our resource on Structuring an Effective Class Session or Presentation as you plan your session. Below are a few key suggestions:
Structure content for participant engagement
Lecturing can be an effective tool to deliver content; however, research suggests that most people can only retain information given to them in sections of 15 minutes or less. How are you incorporating interactive activities throughout the entire presentation? Note that just saving time for a Q&A at the end is not recommended as the sole form of effective engagement.
- Ideas for online sessions: chat check-ins, reflective pauses paired with guiding questions, breakout rooms, full group discussions, polls, etc.
- Ideas for hybrid sessions: ‘turn and talk’ paired with a chat check in, small group discussions paired with breakout rooms, polls (through PollEverywhere or Mentimeter), etc.
Plan ahead and anticipate participant engagement needs
Time goes quickly when presenting! We suggest preparing ahead of time for flexibility. What aspects can be cut, trimmed, or expanded, if needed? What segment can be skipped in the moment in case your presentation runs behind?
Get the most out of the first and last five minutes
These moments are key to setting the stage for your session and ensuring that participants remain engaged through the workshop.
- How will you start and end the session to actively involve your audience? You might consider a thought-provoking warm up question for participants to reflect on in the chat (if hybrid or online) individually or as a group.
- Provide an overview or roadmap of session content and/or outcomes and indicate to participants how you would like them to engage. Should participants ask questions as they arise or wait for Q&A sessions? How would you like participants to submit questions?
Specific considerations for hybrid sessions
Successful hybrid sessions are purposefully structured to engage remote and in person attendees in an equitable experience and foster a sense of connection across modalities.
How will you intentionally involve all attendees in your session? Some suggestions:
- Acknowledge, reference, and include the Zoom audience at the start of and throughout the session.
- Encourage the Zoom audience to use the chat to interact with presenters and other online participants and ask questions.
- Pause to check or review the Zoom chat throughout your presentation and attend to questions and comments posed by the remote audience.
- Consider utilizing interactive digital tools like Mentimeter or PollEverywhere, so that both audiences can contribute their thoughts and ideas simultaneously.
Accessibility and Inclusivity
Create slides and handouts that meet accessibility standards
We have some helpful resources that break down accessibility standards for slides and documents in our accessibility guide; below are a few key tips:
- Use a large font size (minimum 24 point on slides), and standard, non-decorative sans- serif fonts (such as Arial, Helvetica, and Calibri).
- Keep slide text limited. Break up large chunks of text over multiple slides.
- Use high color contrast, like white text on a black background or black text on a white background.
- Avoid using color as the only signifier of difference, such as putting “pros” in green and “cons” in red, as audience members may be colorblind.
- Do not use unnecessary images or gifs to avoid cognitive overload for participants
- Ensure any handouts are accessible.
- These should have OCR (optical character recognition), so that screen readers can read them.
- Font should be large (12 point at minimum), or editable by participants.
- Ensure multi-media utilized in presentation is accessible.
- All videos shown in the presentation must have closed captions.
- Any images shown should be verbally described by the presenter and include alt text for use by screen readers.
Respect and demonstrate diversity of thought, background, identity, and perspective
Through your words and actions, create a sense of belonging for participants; below are a few suggestions:
- Provide examples that acknowledge/consider the variety of identities which students/instructors/participants bring with them.
- Select images that visibly represent a diversity of identities and experiences.
- Include the work or recognition of marginalized scholars.
- Find ways for your presentation to highlight at least a few invisible identities (for example, identity factors such as sexual orientation, ability or disability, and citizenship are not ‘visible’ just from looking at people). Expand engagement with invisible identities in literature and in your research.
- Take care when generalizing across yourself and your audience. For example, before using ‘we’ to describe those present at the session, keep in mind that any group has a range of identities and experiences of which you are not aware. Rather than saying “we have this experience as faculty,” you might say, “many faculty share this experience.”
- Cite research that accounts for diversity/different privileges and oppressions faced by students and instructors.
- Ensure that anything you ask participants “to do” is accessible for all, considering different access needs such as blind or Deaf/hard of hearing participants.