
Nov 28, 2017

Airtrack was developed in LARKUM Lab by Mostafa Nashaat, Hatem Oraby, Robert Sachdev, York Winter and Matthew Larkum. Alexander Schill, engineer at Charité workshop (CWW) had a significant contribution to the design of the platform and the airtrack table.

Airtrack is a head-fixed behavioral environment that uses a lightweight physical maze floating on an air table that moves around the animal’s body under the direct control of the animal itself, solving many problems associated with using virtual reality for head-fixed animals.

This research tool was created by your colleagues. Please acknowledge the Principal Investigator, cite the article in which the tool was described, and include an RRID in the Materials and Methods of your future publications. RRID:SCR_021561

Read the paper

Read more about Airtrack in their Journal of Neurophysiology paper!


Find necessary files and code on the Airtrack Github repository!

Airtrack website

Find more Information can be found at the Airtrack website.

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