Jude Frie and Jibran Khokhar of the Khokhar Lab at University of Western Ontario published their open-source tool, FARESHARE, in the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology in February 2024. FARESHARE (Fluid Acquisition Recording in Socially Housed Animal...
Rodent drinking behavior is used in numerous task designs, most commonly two-bottle choice tasks, to provide insight into the research question of interest. Typically, measuring the intake of fluids is done by weighing bottles over days, and while several tools have...
Mafalda Valente and colleagues have developed Ratphones, a tool that can be used to deliver precise auditory stimuli to freely moving rats. Ratphones are a miniature set of headphones that allow experimenters high control over sound presentation in order to...
The Hotchkiss Brain Institute at the University of Calgary published their design for an integrative running wheel system in eNeuro, available on GitHub. Stephanie Borgland and colleagues designed an economical and versatile open source running wheel system, validated...
Raspberry Rat is a Python platform for recording, converting, and uploading videos to the cloud and for performing scheduled video recordings. It was developed by Hannah Lapp from the Champagne lab at UT Austin. This repository also includes a detailed wiki with a...