High-Precision Optical Fiber-Based Lickometer

High-Precision Optical Fiber-Based Lickometer

Artur Silva and colleagues, led by Joaquim Alves Da Silva (Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal), introduce an optical-fiber based lickometer designed to overcome common limitations of other open-source lickometers. These sensors can trigger false readings caused...
DREAM implant

DREAM implant

DREAM (Dynamic, Recoverable, Economical, Adaptable, and Modular) is a novel implant design for in-vivo electrophysiology in mice. It was developed by Tim Schröder, Robert Taylor, Marieke Schölvinck and Martha Havenith, as well as other colleagues in a joint effort...
Spatial Cognition Platform

Spatial Cognition Platform

Spatial cognition paradigms in animal models tend to focus on allocentric means of navigation where animals rely on environmental landmarks. There is a need for spatial cognition paradigms that also take egocentric navigation into account, where an animal’s own point...


Researchers at the Bernardo Houssay Institute of Physiology and Biophysics, led by Esteban Valverde, have developed an open-source holeboard for studying rodent behavior. Holeboards are a widely used tool in neuroscience for assessing exploration, anxiety, and spatial...
The TD Drive

The TD Drive

Tim Schröder and colleagues from Lisa Genzel’s lab at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, along with the company 3Dneuro, have recently published an open source device, The TD Drive, for multi-site, chronic neural recordings. The build of the...