Schedule a Consultation with CTRL
CTRL offers one-on-one and small group consultations for faculty members on teaching and faculty-led research. We serve as thought partners and will work collaboratively with you to support your professional development through listening actively, raising questions, offering guidance, providing feedback, and pointing out relevant resources.
Consultations are:
- Individualized: Consultations are driven by the requestor’s specific goals, needs, or teaching and research contexts.
- Confidential: The details of the consult conversation remain between the instructor and CTRL.
- Voluntary: Consultations are not required; rather, they are scheduled based on the faculty member’s interest and request.
Please note: If faculty need more substantive or sustained support on grant proposals or other larger projects, faculty must discuss including our consultants as co-authors or as key personnel on grant proposals and IRB documentation. Ongoing support is also dependent on our staff’s availability and alignment of their expertise.
Teaching Consultation
CTRL Teaching & Learning Specialists are available to help you develop learning experiences, discuss evidence-based pedagogical practices, or brainstorm strategies to enhance your teaching. Whether you are brand new to teaching, or have taught a wide range of courses, we can guide you in achieving your teaching goals!
Learn more and schedule a teaching consultation.
Meet the CTRL Teaching & Learning Specialists
Research Consultation
CTRL’s Research Methodologist is available for consultations with AU faculty. Consultation assistance includes: Qualitative and Survey research, survey design, and analytics. We offer assistance with Qualtrics and NVivo.
Learn more and schedule a research consultation.
Meet the CTRL Research Methodologists
AU's Center for Teaching, Research & Learning ©
A Unit of the Office of the Provost
American University, Washington, DC
Get in touch!
Address: Hurst 214
Phone: 202-885-2117