August Faculty Workshops (formerly Teaching, Research & Technology Workshops)

Every year prior to the beginning of the fall semester, the Center for Teaching, Research & Learning (CTRL) hosts The August Faculty Workshops – a 3-day workshop series, demonstrating new and innovative approaches to classroom teaching and research. The workshop series features 25 virtual sessions over the course of three days related to teaching, research, or instructional technology, as well as two lunch plenaries, which will be held in–person with the option to attend online.

The 2023 August Faculty Workshops will be held on August 16, 17 & 23.

View the complete schedule, session descriptions, and registration information.

Archived Workshop Sessions

 2023 2022 2021  |   2020   |   2019   |  2018   |   2017   |   2016   |   2015   |   2014   |   2013   |    2012