
Alcohol (ethanol or ethyl alcohol) is the ingredient found in beer, wine and spirits that causes drunkenness. Alcohol is classified as a ‘sedative hypnotic’ drug which means that differentiating amounts will suppress the central nervous system. When alcohol is used in a high dose scenario, more health risks are common such as drowsiness, respiratory problems, liver issues, and even coma or death. At low dosage, alcohol can be used as a stimulant as it can cause feelings of euphoria or talkativeness. 


Binge Drinking

Binge drinking is a form of consuming alcohol that involves drinking as much as possible in a certain time frame for students, typically for the purpose of feeling “drunk.”

Heavy Drinking

Heavy drinking is when a person forms a pattern of binge drinking over an extended period of time

Health Effects of Binge Drinking
  • High blood pressure
  • irregular heartbeat
  • dehydration
  • infection of lungs
  • low blood sugar
Health Effects of Heavy Drinking
  • heart disease
  • stroke
  • liver disease
  • digestive problems
  • cancer


Alcohol Safe Drinking Reccomendations