Drinking-in-the-dark Videos Donated by Cherish Ardinger and David Linsenbardt
Video Content & Behavior Details:
Species: Adult C57BL/6J mice Number of Animals in Video: 2
Description of Behavior: “‘Drinking-in-the-Dark’ (DID). Briefly, 3 hours into the dark cycle, home-cage water bottles are replaced with sippers containing 20% (v/v) unsweetened EtOH. Mice have free access to the EtOH-filled sippers for 2 hours. During this time, there is no water available. Food is always available ad libitum and mice have ad libitum access to water, except during this two-hour period each day. Mice are not water deprived. In this video, we also record 30 minutes of water consumption prior to the 2-hour EtOH period. Therefore, there is a 30 minute ‘water baseline’ followed by the 2-hour DID. In this video, these mice are on their second day of DID.”
Video Acquisition Details:
Video Format: mp4 Camera: Logitech C920 Acquisition Software: AnyMaze
Resolution: 640 x 480 Frame Rate: 15 fps Donated by: Cherish Ardinger (PhD student at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, IUPUI) & David Linsenbardt (Assistant Professor at University of New Mexico School of Medicine)
Details Specific to Individual Videos:
Duration of Each Video:
Key: Video Title – Duration
Ardinger_mouse_home cage_drinking-in-the-dark_01 – 02:49:26
Ardinger_mouse_home cage_drinking-in-the-dark_02 – 02:34:28
Ardinger_mouse_home cage_drinking-in-the-dark_03 – 02:34:52
Ardinger_mouse_home cage_drinking-in-the-dark_04 – 02:34:44
Ardinger_mouse_home cage_drinking-in-the-dark_05 – 02:34:40
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