Session 602: Building a Culture of Academic Integrity: Teaching, Student Support, and Restorative Practice

    Date: Friday, January 10

    Time: 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM

    Location: SIS Founders Room

    Zoom Link: Join this session live-stream

    Presenters: Alexis Glasgow (Academic Integrity Coordinator, Office of Academic Integrity), Stina Oakes (Hurst Senior Professorial Lecturer, CAS | Literature / Writing Studies), Amanda Getz (Senior Instructor & Advisor, First Year Advising), Alison Thomas (Assistant Dean for Academic Integrity) & Ubah Aden (Academic Advisor, School of International Service)

    Session Description:

    This is a moderated session in which panelists— recognizing that academic integrity violations can’t be attributed to a single cause, and often happen due to lack of skill, experience, or awareness— will frame academic integrity as an imperative of campus culture and our commitments to teaching and learning.  Panelists (a faculty member, advisors, and an academic integrity expert) will share progress toward this initiative, and respond to specific questions about culture-building when it comes to academic integrity. How does a campus build a culture of academic integrity? This has been one of the main areas of interest of OAI, and this panel is focused on describing some of the baby steps that lead to cultural change, inviting the audience to see themselves in that movement, and to think about what their role is in that change.

    Learning Outcomes:

    • Identify strategies for effective teaching related to academic integrity skills and practices beyond a list of dos and don’ts
    • Define some of the principles of restorative practice and the ways those are present in our current practices
    • Examine the role of student support and advising as central to restorative practice
    • Apply ideas for expanding restorative approaches to work across our community

    Session Materials

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