MRI Stereoscope

MRI Stereoscope

Dichoptic displays are used to view a separate and independent field by each eye to enable the perception of depth, referred to as stereoscopic vision. These displays are important in the study how stereoscopic vision works in the brain. However, dichoptic displays...


Thanks to Luke Hannan from the University of Buffalo for providing the following about PavCA, an apparatus for studying Pavlovian conditioned approach! ~~~ Through their association with rewards, reward associated stimuli “cues” can acquire incentive motivational...


CLARA, a Closed-Loop Automated Reaching Apparatus is a system developed by Spencer Bowles, W. Ryan Williamson and colleagues from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. CLARA automatically acquires data for the study of motor behaviors. It features a...


In behavioral neuroscience, operant boxes remain one of the most important tools for drug discovery and for understanding behaviors involving learning, memory, and attention. In more recent years they have also become an important component in understanding the brain...