

The identification of behavioral states based on physiological measures such as EEG, EMG, and LFP is a non-trivial task and much needed for advancing research on topics such as sleep. Jacob Ellen and Michael Dash from Middlebury College created an automated neural...


Light microscopy remains an incredibly powerful and important method in neuroscience. The growing use of computational microscopy and machine learning methods in conjunction with light microscopy now demands adaptive imaging that requires data processing during...
MRI Compatible Microdrive

MRI Compatible Microdrive

The use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in conjunction with local electrical microstimulation (EM) is a powerful tool for investigating brain network connectivity. This method requires MRI compatible devices that can precisely position electrodes...


Real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rt-fMRI) is an exciting technique that enables real-time data monitoring and neural feedback. However, the current software solutions for this technique are generally limited in terms of analysis and cost. To provide a...


TetrODrive is a lightweight, 3D printed microdrive for electrophysiology and optophysiology. Marcel Brosch and colleagues developed and shared design files and build instructions for this device. TetrODrive can be used for in vivo tetrode recording, optical imaging,...