

Video analysis of freely-moving animals has become a staple of animal neuroscience research. During the last few years, different software packages for extracting vital information from video recordings of animal behavior have become available. Packages like...


Markus Marks from ETH Zurich contributed this post on a new method for video analysis of multiple animals in complex real-world settings. This is an independently developed approach that handles all aspects of video analysis including segmentation, identification, and...
Multiple Monkey Pose Estimation with OpenPose

Multiple Monkey Pose Estimation with OpenPose

Salvador B. Negrete and colleagues have shared their protocol for utilizing OpenPose for tracking multiple monkey subjects. OpenPose is a deep learning software system which was originally developed for pose estimation in human subjects, now being repurposed and...


CLARA, a Closed-Loop Automated Reaching Apparatus is a system developed by Spencer Bowles, W. Ryan Williamson and colleagues from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. CLARA automatically acquires data for the study of motor behaviors. It features a...


TRex is an open source animal tracking tool developed by Tristan Walker and Iain Couzin. In recent years, visual tracking of animal movement has become a valuable method for studying animal behavior. TRex seeks to improve upon current animal tracking softwares by...